Windows : Installing VMware-tools in windows VM is very simple. Right click on VM and select Guest and click on Install/Upgrade VMware Tools option. It will prompt you warning message . Click Ok. Before doing above things open console view of the VM. Now you will see prompt on console as see pic-2. Read the instructions carefully and finish the installation.
Pic -2
Linux[GUI] : Installing VMware-tools in Linux GUI is also very simple. Right click on VM and select Guest and click on Install/Upgrade VMware Tools option. It will propmt you warning message . Click Ok. Before doing above things open console view of the VM. Now you will see prompt on console as see pic-3. Click on VMwaretools...rpm. Read instructions carefully and finish the installation.
Linux [Text mode] :Installing VMware-tools in Linux text mode is little bit difficult compare to GUI. Follow the steps carefully.
Right click on VM and select Guest and click on Install/Upgrade VMware Tools option. It will prompt you warning message . Click Ok.Open the console view and proceed as below.
1. First mount the CDROM using cmd mount /dev/cdrom /mnt .
2. Check whether it is mounted or not using cmd ll /mnt, If it is mounted correctly then you will see file VMwareTools-4.0.0-208167.tar.gz.
3. Create temporary dir to proceed installation from here .. mkdir /tmp/vmtools
4. Go to /tmp/vmtools.
5. Untar /mnt/VMwareTools-4.0.0-208167.tar.gz in /tmp/vmtools by run the cmd tar -xzvf /mnt/VMwareTools-4.0.0-208167.tar.gz. Now you will find one dir named vmware-tools-distrib.
6. In vmware-tools-distrib dir you will find one perl script file named Run the perl script file. here 2 ways to proceed. If you run the script using cmd
a. perl --default : it will install without asking any further confirmation from you.
b. perl : This cmd will start install and ask your confirmation for each step. Read each confirmation and proceed[Simply say yes for all].
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