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Friday, May 28, 2010

The day..I joined in Netenrich...

One more year added to my s/w experience and 3 yrs completed in Netenrich. This morning our batch went to PEDDAMMA Temple,of course we are continuing from last 3 yrs. Last 3 yrs I grown up technically as well as personally and I got lot of support and encouragement from my team leaders PCV,PVV & teammates, hope will continue this.
I njoyed the office env with my batchmates and seniors.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

CCleaner -- PC cleaning tool

Have you ever heared about CCleaner? CCleaner is the tool for cleaning your Windows PC.
It makes your computer faster and more secure. It removes unused files from your system -allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast and contains NO Spyware or Adware!

I am using this tool from last 2 years to cleanup my system. We can also manage add/remove programs from CCleaner. It is available for free download, If you are interested please download from here

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Java compilation issue with Eclipse settings

Today I got an interesting error while running my sample java appliaction. Error is
Access restriction: The method createJPEGEncoder(OutputStream) from the type JPEGCodec is not accessible due to
restriction on required library C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\jre\lib\rt.jar

Access restriction: The method getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(BufferedImage) from the type JPEGImageEncoder is not accessible due to
restriction on required library C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\jre\lib\rt.jar

Access restriction: The method setJPEGEncodeParam(JPEGEncodeParam) from the type JPEGImageEncoder is not accessible due to
restriction on required library C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\jre\lib\rt.jar ImageUtil.java.

One of my java application program importing Sun default package "com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec" which is in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_11\jre\lib\rt.jar.
Upto yesterday its worked for me without any issues except some warning messages, Suddenly today I am unable to run the application and getting above error.
A quick googling Its resolved with small setting modification in eclipse.

Solution :
1. Go to Project properties
2. Expand Java Compiler and Click on Errors/Warnings
3. Click Enable project specific settings.
4. Expand Depricated and restricted API
5. Change forbidden reference(access rules) setting as warning or ignore.

Now try to run the java application.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy married life Baalu ...

Recently my friend Balu got married. First of all I am wishing you a very happy married life balu , njoy each movement of life from this point. Last Thursday we(Myself,naidu and chinna) attended this marriage function at vizag, After 8 months we met each other, raju, venky and kalyan are missed this occassion. Due to LILA in coastal AP we didn't njoyed as much as we planned. After marriage we went to Simhachalam (20Km far from vizag city) to visit Narashima Swami temple. Here again due to heavy rains we just visited temple and returned back early. I will update photos soon ...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Java compilation issue with ant script

How to compile java using ANT ? Everybody knows java compilation using ant scripts. I thought you are already familiar with ant build scripts to compile java .Yesterday i got a requirement like compile different packages folders at a time. Due to some inter dependencies in these folders I need to compile these dirs in one shot.A quick googling I got solution and its worked for me. Let me explain how it can be coded.

1. The basic ant script to compile java files in one folder is
<javac srcdir="${src}"
debug="on" />

Above script compiles all .java files under the ${src} directory, and stores the .class files in the ${build} directory. If your code using any thirdparty jars, you need to specify in classpath and and compiling with debug information is on.

2. Ant script to compile java files with some extra logic is
<javac srcdir="${src}"

Above script compiles .java files under the ${src} directory, and stores the .class files in the ${build} directory. The classpath used includes xyz.jar, and debug information is on. Only files under mypkg/p1 and mypkg/p2 are used. All files in and below the mypkg/p1/testpkg directory are excluded from compilation.

3. Ant script to compile multiple source directories at one shot is
<javac srcdir="${src}:${src2}"

This can also be represented using nested as follows
<javac destdir="${build}"
<src path="${src}"/>
<src path="${src2}"/>
<include name="mypkg/p1/**"/>
<include name="mypkg/p2/**"/>
<exclude name="mypkg/p1/testpkg/**"/>

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Amazing videos -- Addidas and Cisco

Wowwww .... What an adds. Recently I viewed some interesting adds. Its really awesome. Please take a look here.

Addidas Add :

Cisco Add :

Tips to speed up your PC

Recently I got an e-mail on how to speed up PC, I am just posting the e-mail content here.

Perform these steps to speed up of your PC.

1. Press the start button-->Run and type temp, Now delete all the files in this folder.Perform the same steps changing the name in command prompt %temp% and next is prefetch.(This will remove all temporary and unnecessary files).

2. Press the start button-->Run and type regedit.
Now go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and press on the "+" sign then in that go to control
panel and press the "+" sign in that go to Desktop directly press on that.Now look for Menu show Delay on the right hand side open it and change it from 400 to 0.

3. Go to start-->Run and then type msconfig.
Now go to startup and uncheck your programs(like messengers, webcam and not to
delete system programs).When you finish press ok and exit without restarting.

4.Go to start-->control panel(classic view)-->system-->Press advanced tab in that click on the settings of Performance and Now choose adjust for best performance and click on ok.

5. Go to start -->Run and type system.ini
Now put this code:
Page buffer=100000kbps load=100000kbps download=100000kbps save=100000kbps back=100000kbps(Note:all should be written in one line) save it and restart the PC

Restart your PC within 2 to 3 sec:

This is very important trick to restart your pc when in trouble.
The following is a useful tip or trick to restart you pc when it does not responses to your system.
Follow the Steps

1.Open command Prompt
2.Enter tskill explorer
3.Press Enter.

Turn Off your system within 5 to 6 sec:

Are you frustrated for waiting to turn off your pc?
Are You in Hurry to Turn Off Your Pc?

Try this trick which works greatly [but at users’ risk].

1.Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to Open Task Manager
2.Click on Shut Down Menu
3.Now Press and Hold Right Ctrl key and Click Turn Off.
4.Do not Release Right Ctrl Key unless Your pc is Shut Down
5.Turn Off Successful....

With in 5 to 6 seconds it will Turn off your pc.This also works for restart of your pc.